May 14, 2024

Celebrating 70K Wishlists!

Let's Party Like It's the Mesozoic Era!

Hey everyone!

Things have been a little wild after the Triple-i Initiative event (in case you missed it, a VOD can be found over on YouTube). Loads of you saw the new trailer and it was your first introduction to Dinolords, and a lot of you went to our steam page and pressed that blue wishlist button. So many in fact, that we have just reached 70.000 total wishlists!

To say we are humbled and honoured is an understatement. We are completely overwhelmed by the interest, your comments and reactions, and that there are so many who - like us - want a super rad RTS-ARPG hybrid with cool dinosaurs!

We were already working hard, but this incredible interest and interaction with you guys have been invigorating to the point where I have absolutely looked at if it'd be possible to open a real Dinosaur Park from cloned eggs, but so far my search for frozen ones under the ice caps on google maps have been less than fruitful.

We want to take this opportunity to say a huge 'Thank You' to every single one of you who have wishlisted Dinolords and are joining us on this journey to make an awesome game! Without you, this would not have been possible, and it is through your support that we will be able to continue working on the project after Early Access, where we plan to make some neat stuff!

So thank you, from the bottom of our Jurassic Hearts, you are all awesome!

Photo of (some of) the team at this years Danish Game Awards.

The Tripple-i event also lead to some great video comments and press coverage, and we want to share some highlights with you guys.

Youtube comments

History channel at midnight.

When are more developers going to understand that all games are better with Dinosaurs in them.

never thought a stegosaurus with viking shields would go so hard

Lore accurate denmark


GameCentral at
"Don’t even get us started on the perverse lack of dinosaur-related video games, just let us be thankful that we have a new one, in the wonderfully bizarre Dinolords – which involves 11th century England being invaded by Vikings riding dinosaurs."

Robin Valentine at PCGamer
"A warlord leaping into the fray on a feathered raptor mount. Siege weapon-bearing stegosaurus marching into battle in wooden armour that makes them look like upturned viking longships. Pikemen struggling to subdue a wild ankylosaur and steal its eggs. Honestly, it's the stuff dreams are made of."

Eddie Makuch & Steve Watts at GameSpot
"Dinolords, a game with a cool concept–you're a knight who rides dinosaurs–is in the works for PC and got a new trailer during the showcase."

Andrew Webster at The Verge
"At first blush, this doesn’t look all that different from other medieval-themed strategies. But then there are the dinosaurs."

December 22, 2023

The Announcement – Dinolords Unscaled 4

The fourth installment of Dinolords Unscaled is out! Come along as we scramble to get ready for the big reveal on Ghost Ships livestream and set the steam page to public.

We also want to take a moment to thank every each one of you for wishlisting Dinolords, it means a lot to all of us and following the reception of the game we are working hard on has been overwhelming. We are all getting ready for Christmas where we are taking a little break before returning to work in January, and we can't imagine a better way than having just reached 15.000 wishlists! So thank you, sincerely! 🙏

As the end of the year rapidly approaches, it's difficult not to reflect on the journey we have been on over the last year. While this is not our first rodeo and we have several titles released on Nintendo Switch, PC, iOS and Android, it is the first time we are working together with a publisher. Michael and Ulrik pitched Dinolords to many different people, but in the end it was the first pitch that really stuck with both parties. The guys over at Ghost Ship have a great approach to making games that really resonates with us, and Deep Rock Galactic is clearly a labour of love which reassured us that we made the right choice. And we secretly hope to sneak in a little dinosaur bobblehead somewhere on the Space Rig 👀

2023 was also the year where we went to conventions and expos, Gamescom was a great experience and stealthily showing the game at Tokyo Game Show was a blast. And after working towards "the next showing" for months, announcing Dinolords also marked a switch to proper production. We have been busy at work for the last couple of months, focussing our efforts on combat and what we want that to involve; different units, dinosaurs, fortifications, skirmish scenarios, attack waves, wildlife, and a giant spreadsheet full of damage values, health points, block chances, weapon types, armor sets and much more.

We also made a lot of progress on the 3D models, textures and animations for units and buildings, putting a lot of care into making sure they are easily distinguishable and recognizable in a battlefield of dozens of units all hacking and slashing away at each other.

Finally, we will leave you with a little teaser of what's coming up next:

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a great New Year!

October 16, 2023

Dinolords has reached 10.000 wishlists!

We are all completely overwhelmed by the incredible reception our announcement has received, both through media but also all the great comments and questions from you guys. Making a game we ourselves think is interesting and cool is one thing, but sharing that excitement more than doubles it, and that is because of all of you.

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October 5, 2023

Announcing Dinolords!

Greetings milords. We've been looking forward to this day for a long time. We're finally able to unveil the game we've been working on for more than a year. It's called Dinolords and it's a medieval realtime strategy game of our dreams coming to Steam Early Access in Q1 2025.

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