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Celebrating 70K Wishlists!

Let's Party Like It's the Mesozoic Era! Hey everyone! Things have been a little wild after the Triple-i Initiative event (in case you missed it, a VOD can be found over on YouTube). Loads of you saw the new trailer and it was your first introduction to Dinolords, and a lot of you went to our steam page and pressed that blue wishlist button. So many in fact, that we have …
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Welcome to the first iteration of a new segment we are calling Dinolords Monthly! This is meant as a place where we can talk more in-depth about some of the technical and design related aspects of Dinolords and check in with you on a regular basis to give you the latest progress on the game. …
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During the inaugural Triple-i Initiative showcase, We revealed the brand new trailer for Dinolords. We announced the game back in October and we're now ready with an all new trailer giving players a better look at how the game is shaping up. We're super excited to show you all of our new toys. Developed by us, Danish …
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The fourth installment of Dinolords Unscaled is out! Come along as we scramble to get ready for the big reveal on Ghost Ships livestream and set the steam page to public. We also want to take a moment to thank every each one of you for wishlisting Dinolords, it means a lot to all of …
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Michael and Ulrik goes to visit Kasra in Japan and show off an early demo at the Tokyo Game Show. They also find a rare double rainbow 🌈 and manage to turn the entire demo into a lawn mowing simulator 🍃🔪 - you know, just another regular day at the office. Come along for the …
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The second instalment in our behind-the-scenes is live! We talk about derpy dinosaurs and unit AI.Artificial Intelligence or Artificial Incompetence, maybe. We also go to Gamescom 2023 in Cologne where we see a bunch of cool games other studios are working on, and Ulrik wins a grand prize! Wishlist on Steam NOW
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We are all completely overwhelmed by the incredible reception our announcement has received, both through media but also all the great comments and questions from you guys. Making a game we ourselves think is interesting and cool is one thing, but sharing that excitement more than doubles it, and that is because of all of …
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Our first behind-the scenes-slash-devlog is live! Get an early peek into how the idea came about, an introduction to the development so far, sprinkled with some class examples of dino related gamedev quirks!
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Greetings milords. We've been looking forward to this day for a long time. We're finally able to unveil the game we've been working on for more than a year. It's called Dinolords and it's a medieval realtime strategy game of our dreams coming to Steam Early Access in Q1 2025.